Ahmed Faraz Khan

Hi! I’m Ahmed Faraz Khan

I’m glad that you stumbled upon this blog and I’m excited for this opportunity to serve you. Here’s a brief intro about me:

I have been a lifelong student of psychology and human behavior. I am also a licensed practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) and I’ve worked in the self-help space for over a decade as a Life Coach, Writer, Trainer, Content Creator, and Blogger. 

On this blog, you can expect to find in-depth guides, practical solutions, and proven tools and techniques used in professional coaching practices.

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Comments from Readers

I just wanted to thank you for so long, the part you have played in my life to make it better, I just can’t explain it. I went to Umrah and prayed for you too. MashaaAllah my married life is so much better and I’m living happily, leaving all my sorrows and complains behind. Thanks a lot. Lots of prayers for you and your family.
Shahtaj Tahir
This article is truly God-sent. I believe I was directed to this article by God. I was about to end my 26 year relationship, but because of your wisdom and your inspiring words I know there is hope. I am definitely going to be the initiator in making things better. Blessings to you and thanks for sharing.
One of the Readers
Ahmed…such a wonderful eye opening write up…. I have been on a terrible cycle with my partner…it has been almost a year and a half since we have been together… the toxicity began a few months into our budding relationship. We have had our awful fights and last night was one of them. She is such a mindful person she found your article and forwarded it to me, for which I dove in incredulously eager to understand and digest. It has gotten so bad I am seeking professional help… thank you for all you do.
One of the Readers

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Note: 25% of all proceeds from Patreon go towards funding education for students from underprivileged families.


Some questions people often ask.

Nope. Though I try to include as much helpful information and guidance in my articles as possible, they are not a replacement for counseling and therapy. If you feel like you need to talk to a professional, do it! Don’t procrastinate.

I did in the past but not currently. My current focus is to create helpful self-help content online in different formats. I may or may not go back to conducting live trainings in the future. Can’t say for sure at the moment.

No, I’m not currently taking in new clients for the time being due to time constraints.

Nope. I was in a psychology bachelor program but dropped out due to personal issues and life circumstances. Later on, got my certification in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming and Hypnosis. Have been a self-help and psychology enthusiast for pretty much my whole life (as long as I can remember).