8 Low-Vibe Things I Cut Out of My Life to Raise My Energy

8 Low-Vibe Things to Cut Out of yOUR Life to Raise YOUR Energy

The things we surround ourselves with have a direct impact on our energy, mood, and overall well-being. Over time, I’ve realized that cutting out certain low-vibe habits from my life has made a huge difference in how I feel day-to-day. 

Sometimes our minds even try to justify those low-vibe habits by coming up with creative excuses but the reality is we are better off without them.

If you’re looking for ways to elevate your energy, you may want to consider letting go of a few of these things as well. Here are the 8 things I consciously cut out from my life to improve my mental, emotional, and physical energy.

8 Low-Vibe Habits to Eliminate for Higher Energy Levels

1. Violent and Disturbing Media

I used to think that watching intense thrillers, horror movies or true-crime documentaries was just harmless entertainment. 

However, after noticing their often subtle impact on my subconscious mind and how they contributed to my feelings of anxiety, depressive thoughts, and even fear, I decided to cut them out. 

While a clickbait title and interesting thumbnail on YouTube for those true-crime documentaries might spark up one’s curiosity, the subconscious stress it creates and the exposure to the dark side of human beings can stay with you long after the show ends. 

The more I consumed these kinds of media, the more I felt weighed down by a sense of negativity. 

Now, I’m more intentional about what I watch. I choose uplifting, inspiring, or calming content that supports a more peaceful state of mind.

2. Negative Self-Talk and Complaining

“I’m so tired.” “I can’t afford this.” “Life is just too hard.” 

I didn’t realize how much power my words held until I started paying attention to how often I spoke about things I didn’t want. 

We often think that venting out will make us feel better and relieved, but the way we vent and the choice of words we use often leaves us feeling worse, as if we just spoke our negative thoughts into existence and gave them life and energy by speaking it out loud.

Every time you repeat such phrases, you reinforce a negative mindset. 

Words shape our reality, and we unknowingly keep ourselves stuck in a loop of stress and frustration. 

So now I make it a point to catch myself when I’m about to say something negative within my mind or out loud, and shift my language to something more empowering. 

For example, if I’m tired, I’ll say, “I need to rest and recharge” instead of “I’m utterly exhausted, and drained”.

 It’s made a world of difference in how I approach challenges.

Check out my in-depth guide on 12 Powerful Steps To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts Instantly!

How I Raised My Energy by Cutting Out These 8 Low-Vibe Habits

3. Processed and Unhealthy Food

For a long time, I didn’t give much thought to the quality of the food I was eating. Grabbing quick snacks, indulging in unhealthy choices, and reaching for processed treats had become second nature. 

Yes since I’ve been into fitness and weight training for a long time, I have a habit of subconsciously keeping track of the calories I consume in a day so that I meet my body’s caloric requirements. 

But in focusing so much on calories, I neglected the “Quality” of the calories I was consuming, and that certainly started to impact the quality of my life and how I feel over time.

I realized how much these choices were affecting my energy levels and mood. 

Processed and ultra-refined stuff is loaded with chemicals, sugar, and unhealthy fats that drag down not just your body but your mind too. 

Once I swapped these foods for fresh, whole ingredients, and healthier options, I noticed an immediate boost in how I felt.

Check out: Mindful Eating: How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Food

4. Excessive Time Indoors

Since I work online, I’ve gotten into a habit of spending the majority of my time indoors. It wasn’t until I started making an effort to get outside more that I realized how much I was missing out on. 

Fresh air, sunlight, and nature have a calming and energizing effect on the body and mind. 

Spending too much time indoors can make you feel disconnected, sluggish, and low-energy. 

Most importantly it can contribute to social anxiety and social awkwardness if you become too out of touch with the outside world for extended periods.

So instead of trying to force myself to become an extrovert, I just made some simple decisions and small steps to go outside every day even if it’s for 30-40 minutes.

It could be a short walk in a park, going to the mosque to offer prayers, or just running some errands.

It really helps to feel more grounded and keep in touch in times when it has become very easy for us to be disconnected from the real world.

Now of course, if you have to go outside for work or university, that won’t be much of a problem for you.

Raise Your Vibration 8 Things to Cut Out of Your Life

5. Excessive Social Media Scrolling

It’s a universal problem we all share, endlessly scrolling through social media, and comparing our lives to the highlight reels of others. 

It leaves us feeling drained, unmotivated, and feeling like we’re not doing enough with our own life. 

Don’t get me wrong, social media can be a great tool if it’s used professionally and in the right direction, but excessive personal use of it pulls you into a loop of negativity, envy, and mindless distraction. 

If you spend even half an hour scrolling in the early hours of your day, you’ll feel like doing nothing for the rest of the day but it has fried your brain with massive dopamine hits and distracting thoughts and emotions.

Over the years, I’ve learned to set boundaries around my social media use, making sure I’m using it with intention rather than letting it consume my free time. 

The result? 

More mental clarity, more ideas popping up in my mind, more motivation and inspiration to work on things that matter, less anxiety, fewer feelings of complexity, and a deeper connection with my own self.

Check out: I Quit Social Media for 600+ Days – 8 Major Lessons I Learned

6. Overindulging in Self-Help Content

Don’t get me wrong, I love and even obsessed with personal growth and self-improvement. Heck, I make a living creating content in the self-help space, 


I found that there’s such a thing as too much self-help. 

Constantly reading books, watching videos, or listening to podcasts about how to better yourself can leave you feeling overwhelmed and even more critical of where you are. 

Or, it can also lead to the “endless student syndrome” where you are stuck in a perpetual learning cycle without applying the things that you learn. 

This leads to a cycle of endless learning with limited practical skills. 

There are times when you need to close the books and ask yourself, “How am I going to apply this in my practical life?”.

Life other forms of content, many people are also addicted to self-help content because it makes them feel like they are making progress and being productive, but all they are doing is watching videos or reading books upon books without any change in their character, personality, thoughts, practical life, dealing with people, and behavioral choices.

Personally speaking, I now consciously go through phases of yin and yang. There are phases where I retreat, observe, reflect deeply, and absorb, and then there are phases of productivity where I experiment with my learnings and ideas and gather experiences.

Then after gathering those experiences and data/feedback, I retreat back to the drawing board to gauge and reflect on what the improve further, which area needs more attention, and if there’s a need to make shifts in the direction of things or if it’s better to keep going the same route and persevere. 

And the cycles keep going on and on…

8 Toxic Patterns That Lower Your Energy and How to Let Them Go

7. Sad and Depressing Music

Music has the power to influence your mood and your thoughts more than you might realize. 

I used to listen to a lot of melancholic songs. While it seemed like a comforting way to process emotions, it ended up keeping me stuck in that low-energy space. 

I often noticed that it even brought up painful memories or depressive thoughts out of nowhere, even when I was feeling totally fine at first.

It’s very important that we become more mindful of what we allow to enter our ears.

Much music today is filled with either shallow, materialistic, vulgar lyrics, or just sad, depressed, or broken heart type of lyrics.

So I replaced it with nature or gentle ambient sounds. It inspires a sense of calm and often helps me focus and get in the zone during work. 

The change in my mood has been noticeable as well, I feel lighter and more in touch with the actual present instead of dwelling too much in the past or future.

8. Harsh Phone Alarms

So I loved to shock myself out of sleep to be able to get up on time (not really). I would set sharp jarring alarms to wake up early, instead of just sleeping on time.

How you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows. If you’re gonna wake up to a blaring, jarring phone alarm, you’ll probably start the day feeling on edge and anxious. 

It might seem like a small thing, but that sudden shock of noise can instantly put you in a stressed-out state. 

Now, I use a gentler sound to wake up, like soft chimes or nature sounds. This small shift has made my mornings more peaceful and relaxed, allowing me to ease into the day with a sense of calm rather than being jolted awake by a loud alarm.

And let’s not forget the most important part, sleeping early! If You sleep early enough, you won’t even need an alarm and just naturally wake up at your intended time. 

If you struggle with falling asleep and waking up on time, you must read this guide:

7-Step Guide To Fix Sleep Schedule and Reset Circadian Rhythm

Creating More Space for High-Vibe Living

Each of these changes, while seemingly small, has had a profound impact on my energy, mood, and overall well-being. 

By letting go of low-vibe habits and replacing them with more intentional choices, I’ve created more space in my life for positivity, peace, and inner growth. 

It’s just a simple decision of being more mindful of what drains you and taking steps to remove it from your life. 

If you’re looking to raise your energy and feel more aligned with your true self, consider cutting out some of these low-vibe things from your own life. 

You’ll likely be amazed at how much lighter and more vibrant you feel.

Additionally, you can read my guide on 16 Habits To Stay Positive During Tough Times.

Hope this guide served you well and gave you some insights to apply in your life.

Take good care and I’ll see you soon…

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