8 Tips for Selecting High-Quality Herbal Teas

8 Tips for Selecting High-Quality Herbal Teas

We live in a consumerist society, which is fine, as long as we become mindful consumers. When it comes to choosing high-quality herbal teas, one of the simplest yet effective tips I share is to start with small purchases and gradually build a collection of favorites. 

Don’t buy too much at once. Try out different herbal teas in small quantities.

Over time, once you’ve developed a keen sense of quality and preference, you can fill your cupboards with all sorts of herbal teas to show off to your friends!

Also, don’t hesitate to blend different herbs to create your unique teas tailored to your specific health needs and taste preferences.

Choosing high-quality herbal teas ensures you reap the maximum health benefits while enjoying the best flavors. 

Here are some important tips to help you select the best herbal teas:

1. Opt for Organic

Organic herbal teas are grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, which means they are free from harmful chemicals. 

This ensures that the beneficial properties of the herbs are preserved without contamination.

Organic farming practices are also better for the environment, promoting biodiversity and soil health.

How to Identify Organic Teas

Look for certified organic labels on the packaging. Reputable certifications include USDA Organic, EU Organic, and other recognized organic standards.

Be cautious of vague claims such as “natural” or “eco-friendly” without certification, as these can be misleading.

2. Check the Ingredients

High-quality herbal teas should contain pure, whole ingredients without artificial additives, preservatives, or flavorings. 

The ingredient list should be short and straightforward.

Avoid teas with added sugars, colorings, or synthetic flavor enhancers, as these can detract from the natural health benefits.

Single Herb vs. Blends

If you’re totally new to herbal teas, start with single-herb teas to experience their distinct flavors and benefits. Once you’re familiar with them, you can explore blends that combine multiple herbs for synergistic effects.

3. Examine the Appearance and Aroma

The appearance of the tea can give you clues about its quality. High-quality herbal teas typically have vibrant colors and well-preserved leaves, flowers, or roots.

Avoid teas that look dull, overly broken, or contain a lot of dust and debris.

Smell Test

Fresh herbal teas should have a strong, pleasant aroma that reflects the characteristic scent of the herb. A weak or musty smell can indicate that the tea is old or of poor quality.

This you would probably know after buying the tea, unless you are purchasing it from a dedicated specialty tea store where there a samples of the tea available for you to smell.

4. Consider the Source

Purchase herbal teas from reputable brands and suppliers known for their quality and ethical sourcing practices. 

Established brands often have stringent quality control measures in place.

Specialty tea shops and natural health stores are good places to find high-quality herbal teas.

Sustainable and Fair Trade Practices

Choose teas from brands that support sustainable and fair trade practices. This ensures that the herbs are grown and harvested in an environmentally friendly manner and that the workers are treated fairly and paid a fair wage.

5. Pay Attention to Packaging

Herbal teas should be packaged in airtight containers to preserve their freshness and potency. 

Look for teas in sealed bags, tins, or jars that protect them from light, air, and moisture.

Avoid teas sold in clear plastic bags or containers exposed to light and air, as these conditions can degrade the quality of the herbs.

Storage Recommendations

Once opened, store your herbal teas in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and strong odors. Use airtight containers to maintain their freshness and potency.

6. Research and Reviews

Research the brand and product before making a purchase. Look for reviews and testimonials from other consumers to get an idea of the tea’s quality and effectiveness.

Check if the brand provides information about its sourcing, production processes, and quality control measures. Transparency is a good indicator of a trustworthy supplier.

Try Samples

If possible, try samples before committing to a larger purchase. Many specialty tea shops and online retailers offer sample sizes that allow you to test the tea’s flavor and quality without a significant investment.

7. Understand the Health Benefits

Different herbs have varying health benefits. For example, chamomile is known for its calming effects, peppermint can aid digestion, and ginger can help with nausea.

Understanding the specific benefits of each herb can help you choose teas that align with your health goals.

Consult with Professionals

If you have specific health conditions or are taking medication, consult with a healthcare professional before trying new herbal teas. Some herbs can interact with medications or may not be suitable for certain health conditions.

8. Experiment and Enjoy

The world of herbal teas is vast and diverse. Don’t hesitate to try different varieties and combinations to find what you enjoy the most.

Keep a journal to note the flavors and the brands you like and any effects you notice, which can help you refine your preferences over time.


If you haven’t read my top 10 herbal tea recommendations guide, you can do so HERE.

Incorporate herbal tea drinking into your daily routine as a self-care mindful practice. This can enhance your overall wellness and provide moments of relaxation and reflection throughout your day.

If you are looking to develop a practical, easy to implement Daily Self-Care Routine, check out this guide: 10 Daily Self-Care Practices for a Healthier, Happier You

Take good care of yourself. I’ll talk to you soon… Happy tea tasting!

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